In Praise of Risk

In Praise of Risk

  • Auteur: Dufourmantelle, Anne; Miller, Steven
  • Éditeur: Fordham University Press
  • ISBN: 9780823285457
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780823285471
  • eISBN Epub: 9780823285464
  • Lieu de publication:  New York , United States
  • Année de publication: 2019
  • Année de publication électronique: 2019
  • Mois : Octobre
  • Langue: Anglais

When Anne Dufourmantelle drowned in a heroic attempt to save two children caught in rough seas, obituaries around the world rarely failed to recall that she was the author of a book entitled In Praise of Risk, implying that her death confirmed the ancient adage that to philosophize is to learn how to die. Now available in English, this magnificent and already much-discussed book indeed offers a trenchant critique of the psychic work the modern world devotes to avoiding risk.

Yet this is not a book on how to die but on how to live. For Dufourmantelle, risk entails an encounter not with an external threat to life but with something hidden in life that conditions our approach to such ordinary risks as disobedience, passion, addiction, leaving family, and solitude

Keeping jargon to a minimum, Dufourmantelle weaves philosophical reflections together with clinical case histories. The everyday fears, traumas, and resistances that therapy addresses brush up against such broader concerns as terrorism, insurance, addiction, artistic creation, and political revolution. Taking up a project than joins the work of many French thinkers, such as Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, Hélène Cixous, Giorgio Agamben, and Catherine Malabou, Dufourmantelle works to dislodge Western philosophy, psychoanalysis, ethics, and politics from the redemptive logic of sacrifice. She discovers the kernel of a future beyond annihilation where one might least expect to find it, hidden in the unconscious.

In an era defined by enhanced security measures, border walls, trigger warnings, and endless litigation, Dufourmantelle’s masterwork provides a much-needed celebration of the risks that define what it means to live.

  • Cover
  • In Praise of Risk
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Translator’s Introduction: The Risk of Reading
  • To Risk One’s Life
  • Eurydice Saved
  • Minuscule Magical Dependencies
  • Voluntary Servitude and Disobedience
  • In Suspense
  • At the Risk of Passion
  • Leaving the Family
  • Forgetting, Anamnesis, Deliverance
  • Incurable (In)fidelities
  • Zero Risk?
  • How (Not) to Become Oneself . . .
  • Being in Secret
  • Befriending Our Fears
  • At the Risk of Being Sad
  • At the Risk of Being Free
  • The Time They Call Lost
  • Dead Alive
  • Of a Perception Infi nitely Vaster . . .
  • Anxiety, Lack—Spiritual Hunger?
  • Farewell Magic World: Beyond Disappointment
  • Life—Mine, Yours
  • At the Risk of the Unknown
  • At the Risk of Being Carnal
  • May There Be an End to Our Torment . . .
  • Breaking Up
  • At the Risk of Speech
  • Solitudes
  • Laughter, Dreaming—Beyond the Impasse
  • Hope No More
  • Once Upon a Time, the “Athenaeum” . . . or, Why Risk Romanticism?
  • Risking Belief
  • Risking Variation
  • The Event: Hyperpresence
  • Intimate Prophecy
  • At the Risk of Bedazzlement
  • Desire, Body, Writing
  • Healing?
  • An Other Language
  • Risking Scandal
  • Taking the Risk of Childhood
  • Assiduity
  • Risking the Future
  • At the Risk of Beauty
  • At the Risk of Spirit
  • Risking the Universal?
  • Hauntings
  • Spirals, Ellipses, Metaphors, Anamorphoses
  • Envisaging Night
  • Revolutions
  • At the Risk of Going Through Hell (Eurydice)
  • Notes


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